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ATPM 10.05
May 2004

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Reader Comments (27)

Marie-Claire · June 19, 2004 - 00:21 EST #1
Gorgeous picture!!!! You captured the colors perfectly. I have been there many times and it seems like I am standing right next to it. I have it on my desktop. Its just beautiful.
nana ramos · June 7, 2005 - 12:59 EST #2
i love this picture and also i love the place
Yahaira Morales · August 10, 2005 - 13:33 EST #3
I love this place.... This is my hometown. My God Always Bless our Beautiful Island...
Angelo Mattei · March 1, 2006 - 10:33 EST #4
One of the best i have found on Google of my home town.
Ponce es Ponce.
zuleika · March 10, 2006 - 13:51 EST #5
i love my hometown its the best you already ponce puerto rico its the best.........
Jasmin Reinholtz · March 21, 2006 - 15:59 EST #6
This is such a perfect picture of the building. It's been so long but I can remember every moment I spent there eating ice cream and playing on the lion fountain and feeding the pigeons. The best place in the world Puerto Rico.
Jasmine · April 16, 2006 - 20:35 EST #7
Saben que? leyendo esto me doy cuenta yo que estoy aca en PR que realmente mi isla es bien bella. gracias por sus halagos. tratamos de protegerla aunque aveces no nos dejen. pero habemos quienes la adoramos y damos gracias a Dios por haber nacido aqui.
soy boricua y mi amor es PR...Preciosa seras sin banderas sin lauros ni gloria, preciosa te llaman los hijos de la libertadddd!!!!!
J.Gonzalez · May 3, 2006 - 11:28 EST #8
I was there once as a child. I still have memories of standing there, especially after seeing this pic. Thank You for capturing such wonderful pics.!!!!!!
P.S. I Love my hometown(s), and Vega Alta also!!!
Nelson · May 9, 2006 - 10:28 EST #9
"¡Ponce es Ponce!" Thanks for the beautiful pic. Every time I see my computer background my mind floats all the way back to my Ponce!
Wilson Rivera · July 1, 2006 - 13:52 EST #10
I have been to war, I worked in the white house, I have visited almost every country in the world, I have trained some of the best pilots in the world, put this picture brings me back to my roots. I boy that was born in "La Cantera de Ponce" Every time I look at this picture It brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for the great picture!!!!!
Yamel · August 19, 2006 - 15:50 EST #11
This picture really took me back to my roots! I'm at work right now and I will put it on the desktop of one of our computers at the store I work at. Congratulations!! Keep up the good work! ¡Ponce es Ponce!
yamilett ocampos · September 25, 2006 - 20:12 EST #12
no tengo palabras para decir wooowwww no puedo esperal a vorlver algun dia a mi bello ponce y aunq este al otro lado del mundo me siento orgullosa de ser leona de corazon y boricua asta la muerte
Zamanta De Jesus · November 5, 2006 - 18:43 EST #13
I was searching for lovely pics of PR for my kid's assignment. And wow, this is one of the most beautiful I've seen. Thanks!
Maria · January 13, 2007 - 23:28 EST #14
Wow! Memories - me acuerdo de visitar el Parque de Bombas con mi abuela en PR cuando era nena - y de los helados y los leones - nice memories - thanks for posting such a beautiful picture ...
karelys santiago · April 30, 2007 - 13:59 EST #15
mira gracias por estar orgulloso de mi pueblo q tanto yo amo y siempre lo voy amar pq hacen dos aÑos q me fui de puerto rico y quisiera q darme hasta aÑo para siempre ponce es ponce y lo demas es parking
Blanca Maldonado · June 27, 2007 - 01:00 EST #16
Que dios bendiga amis padres por haberme tenido en mi pueblo bello y hermoso que me vio nacer y orgullosa de ser hija de la perla del sur la cual se llama Ponce. Ponce te amo y apesar de la distancia, si supiera lo mucho que te extrano,Yo quiero morir en mi ciudad bella y hermosa la unica,la de siempre que dios te bendiga mi PONCE
de mi alma.
Luis VAzquez · July 8, 2007 - 22:38 EST #17
Here in the island we know that we are priviledged. We live in a beautiful place with beautiful people. But we are 7 million altogether... 3.8 people live here, and only 2.5 are P.ricans... Most of us have chosen to live in the mainland. However, because of that, we have come to realize the beauty and the fortune of being who we are. It's up to us here and you there to preserve our most precious gift yet, to know that it is not being from here, that made us brothers, it's being brothers, what brought us here...Y no solo es la belleza de nuestra isla lo que nos une, es la grandeza de saber que somos parte de algo mas que lo que nos rodea. Hay que recordar que tenemos un lugar donde la gente sabe nuestro nombre. Y reconocer las ventajas de vivir como vivimos es una "sentencia" de privilegio. We are fortunate.
Lourdes Castaing · July 22, 2007 - 13:25 EST #18
Mi nombre es Lourdes vivo en Newark New Jersey.Estaba jugando un poco en la computadora y luego buscando fotos de mi isla bella.Me encanto la foto del parque debombas en ponce.Mi padre es natural de Ponce de el barrio chichamba de la familia los Castaing.Tengo ya un viaje para la isla y estoi muy emocionada.Estrano oir el gallo quiquiriquiar y el sonido del coqui.Saludos a todos los castaingnes de Ponce y a mi tio papo de doctor Pila.Que dios los bendiga
Ivonne Gonzalez · September 6, 2007 - 15:57 EST #19
This picture is Gorgeous!!!! Can't wait to be there this christmas. My island is the best!!! may god bless our Island alwayss Te Amo puerto rico!!!!
Myrka Alvarez · June 16, 2008 - 17:40 EST #20
I have some great pictures of Rincon I'd love to share. I love Rincon, P.R.
ATPM Staff · June 16, 2008 - 22:35 EST #21
Myrka - ATPM welcomes reader submissions for desktop photo series. Please contact [email protected] for specific instructions. But, in brief, we recommend the maximum resolution available and appreciate a short description of the photo set. Naming each photo something descriptive is appreciated by other visitors to If you wish for a copyright credit overlay to appear in a small corner, it is up to you to add it into the photos submitted to us.
angel romero · March 18, 2009 - 19:15 EST #22
hola, a todos con solo mirar esta foto me remonto a mi juventud en mi querido ponce.el famoso parque de bombas con mirarlo en la foto puedo sentir la tranquilidad de la noche el calor de la jente y hasta puedo escuchar el sonar del agua de la fuente al caer.ponce mi adorado pueblo cuanto te extrano...
esteban figueroa · April 23, 2009 - 11:55 EST #23
I used to hang out on the benchs with my girlfriend next to ths fire house since I went to Ponce High which was very close. The firechief named Castro live next to my brother in law in the Pueblito Nuevo en LA Cantera.
Kiki · May 6, 2009 - 13:05 EST #24
Hola! Me llamo Kiara y toda mi vida vivi en Ponce.Ahora estoy un poco lejos pero al ver fotos como esta parece que la distancia no existe y vuelvo a caminar por ahi con el calor tan intenso y la satisfaccion de saber que estoy en casa...gracias por llevarme a mo querido Ponce,al cual tanto extraño...como todo ponceño orgulloso:PONCE ES PONCE Y LO DEMAS ES PARKING!!!
justino arroyo · April 17, 2010 - 13:52 EST #25
im from ponce born there you have no ideal how nice ponce is when i lived in new york i went to ponce once a month
candy · August 30, 2010 - 11:52 EST #26
Its just beautiful!Ahora yo estoy un poco lejos de isla pero la tengo en mi corazon.
natalish Muriel-Lloren's · November 8, 2010 - 10:55 EST #27
i love this place

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