My wife and I went to Puerto Rico about three years ago, and we lost all of the pictures that we had because of computer problems. It was great going through the pictures and finding places that we have been. Thanks...
I went to Puerto Rico with my 2 daughters Ivette and Catiria and with my boyfriend Steve he's American and you he ha fun but me asnd my daughters went everywhere I visited all my family while I was over there also. Im from Puerto Rico so I know where everything is at. But now I live in New York any who I had a lot of fun with my family
I came from PR last year to take care of my ill brother and these pictures really make me miss the island.. But hoping with Gods help i shall be returning to my home town of San Lorenzo in the next year,,, can't wait...
i am from puerto rico and i have been there tons of times i go every year and maybe sometimes 4 times a year i just love it down there i curently live in South Carolina but i leave here and go to my home place of Puerto Rico whenever i get the chance to go down there because i absolutely love it. It is beautifulall the times down there rain or shine.
I just returned From my first visit to Puerto Rico since we left when I was four. I miss it everyday and can not wait to move their. I finally felt like I was home. Puerto Rico is my heart! Thank you for posting these pictures to help get me through the next year till I can go back.
Well I've never been in Puerto Rico but from 10/4/06 to 10/10/06 I'll be there with My best friend Hector ( he is P. Rican and me Mexican ) and i think i know more about PR than him.. So Im so happy cuz im going there for a complete week..
Hi everybody! I'm a young boy from Barcelona. I've never been in PR, but i'm thinking to go there to study next year. I think near Carolina, but I'm not sure. What do you recommend me? Is it agood idea? Please, someone let me know something else about this "I think" beautiful country! [email protected] thanks!! and thanks for the autor of this amazing photos!
I am going to Puerto Rico for 5 days in July/August on my way to Aruba. I am looking forward to my visit and looking to do some of the "off the beaten path" activities. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for the photos, I am sure I will see all of this and more as I drive around the island!
I Love the pictures.They're beatuful. Thank you for remand us how beatuful are country is. I'm proud of me been Puerto Rican. Viva Puerto Rico. One day i be back to Puerto Rico. Viva la Isla del Encanto!!!!!!!!!!!
agustina valencia · October 28, 2007 - 18:56 EST#13
Le doy gracias a Dios por haber nacido en una isla tan bella. Dios bendiga a puerto Rico!!!!
ROBERTO MONTANEZ · November 30, 2007 - 03:51 EST#14
i am from san lorenzo, p.r. and i missed my little island after being 45 years in the u.s.a. one day i want to see this island again! your photos are beautiful. love puerto rico. montanez.
Great picture. My uncle, Nelson Lopez desinged and is the priest at this church. I love it. He did a great job and is a really cool guy. You should stop by and say hi next time you go.
I was born in Puerto Rico. I love my beloved Island of PR! The Island of Puerto Rico is beautiful and unique. These pictures show the authentic Puerto Rico...they are great, fantastic. But the real experience of visiting and enjoying the Island is what makes the difference. You must take time to visit the Island and enjoy it!
Go to to learn and see everything about PR.
Reader Comments (16)
thanks!! and thanks for the autor of this amazing photos!
una isla tan bella. Dios bendiga a puerto
Go to to learn and see everything about PR.
saludos calurosos,
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